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Pleasant Street Living

beautiful things for your home and your life

Everything in your life is an expression of who you are from the way you decorate your home, the books that you read, how you care for your body and the food that you prepare. Everything in life is art.

At Pleasant Street Living we select a unique combination of vintage and new to reflect your personality. Everything in your daily life should be beautiful and a pleasure to use.

About Us

In 2020, we found this beautiful old home in Bear River.​
The property featured two neglected houses and a rather large, brambly wooded lot.
We’ve spent the past few years coaxing this place back to life
and in a way it’s brought us back to life as well.
A lifetime running a hotel and restaurant had worn us pretty thin.
We are always working away on both houses, wee vineyards and gardens.
Inviting light back to Pleasant Street takes time, patience and oh so much work.
We are slowly seeing results. August of 2022 we opened the blue door to Pleasant Street Living.

Pleasant Street Journal

Life on Pleasant Street

Makin’ Maple Granola

As groceries become more and more ridiculously expensive, it's time to start making more of our food from scratch. It's tastier, more economical and better for you.

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